منتديات سوبر دونغهي
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منتديات سوبر دونغهي

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 معلومات عن دونغ هي

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عبد البزور

عبد البزور

المساهمات : 28
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/12/2011
العمر : 28
الموقع : www.google.com

معلومات عن دونغ هي Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: معلومات عن دونغ هي   معلومات عن دونغ هي Emptyالأربعاء ديسمبر 21, 2011 4:45 pm

(1) Albart I:
Became isolated after the relationship failed with Hyuk, who dumped me for "Min", which beat out and grabbed the heart Hyuk before me and making me at the top of depression, sadness and pain one could have known what my due Samta which ached me was shocked big because of my steps very late direction Hyuk want know that my love to him and to share those feelings and know what I think about what causes me to thinking about its feelings irritated and the heart of a troubled I am suffering because of that not one can know that have promised myself that no one knows as long as he did not know is why she remains silent, but when it passes close to me or hear his voice do not know what happened to me ....

I always wanted that I share it, but because of that which Ivariqh the moment I can not, I want to admit him and he and I just want to see the reaction when he knows my love to him do not want to be ashamed of, and hesitate in the presence of one, even if "Min" in particular ...

Days passed and increased in grief and there is no one by my side ... and increase my sorrow when I think and what I want it ....

Increasingly involuntary him when I see him they are in full agreement of what I do not know but what I liked the best of it, O my God, this heart torments me greatly in my heart I know I am more deserving of the "Songman" Bhyuk it belongs to me ...

But can hyuk to let me have that feeling ..?! I do not know, and I told him, forced him to my feelings will not reject that basis, I do not want any of us want to suffer and I love it, but do not want to Oave never pity I do not want to ....

Day after day weakens the determination to tell him, I learned that love is one-sided punishment in itself ...

When we meet we talk always be gentle with me always always wanted to tell him what I feel, but this thing requires a lot from me ... we often work together, always smiling Lee & Caring for how I and my health, but the conversation does not drag on because the "Min" always cut the purity of our discussion has always hated him ...

Many times I wish to disappear from the face of the earth, but I know that the heart Hyuk with "Min" and I do not want people I treat his wounds and with this prospect be with me very few ...

My fears are increasing day after day do not want to leave, "Min" and become distressed because of that sad heart ....

I see many stories that speak about love and love and I can not live one story for several reasons ... has become the way I want to'm taking a very difficult and do not know the end has become Otakbt in the streets I do not know what will be the end???

I looked to myself I want to die thinking seriously so, but death is a solution for that? Many puzzles me a question I do not know how, but I felt a finger between the eyebrows lifted wrinkles between the eyebrows ...

Lifted my face to see from this that the same tire and came to disturb my thoughts but I did not feel I am far beyond his hand vigorously and why is not my face Hyuk, but did not express anything preferred to silence to speak.

Did not speak but smiled at me and returned to where he came.

Tight schedule and a long way on the bus to work, both of us to take a comfortable place to sit, I sat alone next to the window away from everyone but I can easily see that Hyuk with Songman of my place the private bothered me a lot sitting together in one place, he was sitting in the side the other close to me was his attention on his own, did not pay too much attention to him, he does not mean anything to me except that a malicious person ...

The journey long, everyone was fun to Etc Wesley everyone Bakss and trying, as usual, that captures the attention of everyone, and then everyone started singing I had no mood right so I took it was Hyuk sing ... Ansdmt when he was seen Songman directly wound, my heart ... we were the closest two no one knew their relationship was secret, I saw them accept some of them with passion and was Hyuk from the beginning ... I do not know how I impose myself upon I do not want to be in the triangular relationship and serve as the heart of the case, you Interlace hands Abedhm other and press them hard, become my thoughts crazy you want to committed suicide, to throw myself out the window? The idea took shape in me so high compressive and felt Npda in the vein of my neck ...

Escaped my hands to open the window and if, however, at the hands prevent me from moving looked at him angry, you want him to leave my hands and if it moves his head, refusing to leave tried but to no avail so ... surrendered to him and he did not leave her now to see the only place ... and if his fingers playing in between the folds and lines of my hand emitting chills where I looked at him ...

But I did not expect that he viewed the Hart including my thoughts is to think and look at this way ..?! Azgerh was not angered, but I preferred the terrible silence to speak with him ... my head became confused because of thinking ...

Long road did not get to the place and still holding my hand I do not know have not left all the way to look at ... embezzled where Hyuk, who is still at the height of its activity, while the other slept on his shoulder .. I do not know what but I felt upset and some jealousy .. I felt pain in my head and put my hand out and took the clear between the capillaries Ibosrha I want to end the pain and stabilized my hand on the end of my neck and took breathe very slowly to the back as you, I looked at the window look where the smuggler and if me see the reflection of a picture sitting next to me is focusing on my actions and in his silence words not aware of its meaning ... but made me calmer.

Became a silence heavy ... over time and there was no one else beside me ... what is and is not hyuk was this question in me not disclosed at all, it seemed my chest distress, including the ideas but did not care to kill myself the day I went back to the bitter reality after he came know well and his face was relieved and asked me did not understand at first what he is talking about but then I understood ...

"Hi Dear You are what you look like this now several hours something happened to you"

"I do not thing I am just a little bit tired," my answer was very brief I did not know what answer for the first time I feel helpless because I allow my feelings ...

We got to the site and began the work was very cool and professional you are enslaved looks from time to time become miserable because of Songman that comes to him whenever he had the opportunity I was unhappy he left the day announcing his surrender to the night as I want to finish like no one can be remembered, Ahzana I can no longer be I enjoy that I felt on the edge of the abyss ...

Finished work is not from Britain to come back with them and see him preferred to be walking on that path desolate, such as heart and cold like my feelings now, I took my feet Tmsheean without a specific goal when stopped from fatigue I knew I lost the road did not scream no contact did not do something you know very well that I can not be I live in this empty feeling inside that it causes me, but what I can not understand it because I can not forget what ... I could not bear the cold I put my head between my legs to Ali sang the warmth here, but no use .... Tired of waiting ... waiting ... I do not know why.

I was thinking which way Take If someone squeezing me from behind and putting his head on my shoulder I felt tears warm penetrate my clothes up to my body did not know what to do but I moved away a bit and encountered wanted to know who he is and if its kissing me was in contact only were not before ...

Pushed me forcefully, but returned to squeezing me strongly took resist trying to after me hit him and pushed his hand and if it holds Biday and Esendna strongly to the tree ... approached me and whispered I did not understand a single word but I want that kept him out of me although I felt warm because it is near me ... I went back to resistance and if by kissing me strongly similar to what is Eda and not before it tired of the resistance cold take the bomb go through my body started to calm down and relax began to have accepted it in I am raising began wrapping paper kisses him, putting my hand on his chest and the other after he left, thecae me because I feel it ... away with him a bit and took the breath warm published steam hot intensified Qtarth on his skin and my skin ...

Pulled my lips to accept the cheek softness moving in to his ear drove my tongue flap conduit jurisdiction over his ear making him sigh, "I love you" ... ... ..
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