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معلوت ريووك I_vote_rcapمعلوت ريووك I_voting_barمعلوت ريووك I_vote_lcap 
معلوت ريووك I_vote_rcapمعلوت ريووك I_voting_barمعلوت ريووك I_vote_lcap 
eun hae
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زوجة دونغهــــــــــي^__^
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عبد البزور
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أكتوبر 2024


 معلوت ريووك

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عبد البزور

عبد البزور

المساهمات : 28
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/12/2011
العمر : 29
الموقع : www.google.com

معلوت ريووك Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: معلوت ريووك   معلوت ريووك Emptyالأربعاء ديسمبر 21, 2011 4:40 pm

SMH: Kim Ryeowook .. And they call Rawok or order
- Date of birth is June 21, 1987 and is a student at Inha University in the Department of Drama and Cinema ..
- Rawok is the last cluster Ayla Alsojo Eternal Magnea and they call and if he mu smaller one in a lifetime because it is beyond Kibom and Kyoheion and Henry ..
But many say that his personality is very appropriate that he be the last cluster ..
- A member of them have more talent in singing and all testified to his distinctive voice, even singing in the Life
- He loves singing and composing and writing lyrics times and is the Old wrote lyrics provided for programs and Kangn Esong on the radio
- He loves playing the piano and once showed up on the Super Show is Rayeh learn to play it and then estimated it plays well ..
- Rawok very shy in the programs and what many speak and susceptible to what degree they need collecting tears in the EHB
Rahoh be one of the top two crying in the band already has control of a simple and effective to hold back tears as they cried and
- Has a wonderful hobby and he loves is the make-up samples collected Old distributed free in stores
- He has narrated the above with make-up Alsojo members in the program .. Rawok say that even if the claimed subject and his family needed degrades Mick
Members they walk him and say what he degrades his family Ashan Avatar that corresponds to his family, except in the Old days sitting by the corresponding
Then he ruined his skin Almik of August that he is afraid his parents grieve and worry him if his skin (s) to bad
- Mask Kangn him his job and says he once delayed their schedule for the day after the Avatar stood up and knock on the Kyoheion Rawok and said to them, have seen Mai says Kyoheion came out and was wearing a cap and the shape of a normal Avatar Rawok out a survey and is even kohl
- He is free or a mole on the cheek and the right haymaker because it degrades Mick Diem
- They see their mother in the house because he takes care of them and the first thing that shows one of them calls them tired to eat and cook Diem remind them that they care about themselves and displeased if they ate them cooked Avatar
- Times have become for Rawok incident singing Miracle proved where he Professional and knew how to act and episode that while dancing boots Ankhalat and it has been on the floor of Alstej, and since they were new at the time was expected that he got flustered and Abt dance but supplemented normal to Jath chances Chilha
- They say it is the second most friendly and non-conservative in the band after Kangn, does not mean Agrkm his shyness and lack of
- Common in the sub-divisions of Suzhou and is Super Junior M .. Old business in China, Super Junior KRY Avatar of the best voices Alsojo ..
- Likes to sleep and does not have any objection he slept 18 hours a day .. And once it came up more than one Asahouna Ashan is Lycia Naim here
- Before Aldepot was solid and the weight reached 80 kg .. But with the lack of training and weight 25 kg, and became as Default Nchovh then ..
- He is the Kyoto traditional way to know himself and says: "Rawok Amedaaa" meaning "I am Rawok" and member Ikldonh times and say it is here
- Participated in the program where Super Junior and his name was Animal Farm chose the dog from the shelter Rawok Ashan cherishes Avatar Unfortunately, the dog was sick and decided to take care of it
Days after the dog died and Rawok affected by this thing, and then cried
- A big fan of the band or SNSD Girl's Generation and loves them and hear the violin is a member of the Club for the SES group, including Old Bada ..
- Rawok shocked fans represent him in the movie Super Junior because he was unlike his character timid and acted as an ideal student for the degree of provocation here
- Said to be the preferred Eldongusing Dongha and that he once close to him
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
eun hae

eun hae

المساهمات : 34
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2011

معلوت ريووك Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: معلوت ريووك   معلوت ريووك Emptyالخميس ديسمبر 22, 2011 5:32 pm

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معلوت ريووك
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