منتديات سوبر دونغهي
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منتديات سوبر دونغهي

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ككل هناك 2 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 2 زائر

لا أحد

أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 26 بتاريخ السبت يوليو 20, 2019 1:23 am
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
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Information about English Etc I_vote_rcapInformation about English Etc I_voting_barInformation about English Etc I_vote_lcap 
Information about English Etc I_vote_rcapInformation about English Etc I_voting_barInformation about English Etc I_vote_lcap 
eun hae
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زوجة دونغهــــــــــي^__^
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عبد البزور
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دونقهي وبس
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×؛°”˜ SUPER GIRL`”°؛×
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محبة سوبر جونيور
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عاشقه كيوهيون
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يوليو 2024


 Information about English Etc

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عبد البزور

عبد البزور

المساهمات : 28
تاريخ التسجيل : 17/12/2011
العمر : 28
الموقع : www.google.com

Information about English Etc Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Information about English Etc   Information about English Etc Emptyالثلاثاء ديسمبر 20, 2011 5:10 pm

- Real Name: Park Jung Su ..

- Date of Birth: July 1, 1983

- Length and weight of 178 and 59 ..

- He says what he told them in the secondary if Tbgon come into the university is required you will be gifted in Chi, such as a dance so he is a professor and entourage, and they made a dance team,
Vchaffh one and he advised him to enter the test performance of Ashan his talent.

- What Tsmoa Super Junior Jong Soo as the Random Etc [Etuk] name and his renown means "unique" and since it is the great became the band Allidr

- Etuk has a history of black leadership in the car, if he knows it is marketed Zain from her side and once participated in the program when riding a car and trying to Aoagafunha or passing places Ashan inform their talents .. What needs to say he has failed in most situations encountered in the Old and the program ..

- Etuk and Ainyuk them a special radio program named Sukara bag including a radio host in which artists and listeners receive messages ..

- Near Dongha of times and seen little brother forever .. The reason that Abu Dongha before they die and Sah him and told him I am sure you Ashan Abgak as well as take care of my son ..

- Default is Asaha member Ashan their schedules every day but he is with the Old Asahém say about him that he is and if he sleeps Akzlem Atafhun Asahouna and they are and if started to sit Salon Ihos going on where it sleeps ..
- Hechul Maah says he was in a room alone and it was time for Libby, Asahah tired Maah so times and beat him Etuk not faddish .. And say what Asahy of sleep before the mirror and calls them Izbit sitting in his hair nor there late and there Sawa Shi ..

- Gave him the title of the Gospel means that owners of Anold on a rainy day and said he had arrived from the sky .. Of course, all this talk Jarabit Phanz because if the Leader and the Gospel is the man in the end ..

- Etuk known personality and his humor and joke a lot Albaikh Old laugh grabbing the world .. And known Dgth and gentle personality and tears ..

- In April 2007 Etuk subjected to accident, and he and Ainyuk Kyoheion and Hindong .. And it is the second worst affected by this incident and they made him 170 stitches in the back ..

- Obsessed with white to the point that all Dolabh and needed his room where this color .. Relieved and say what if what I wore white Chi to wear it even if Mava enters this color such as white hour ..

- Provider is a good program because of its ability to speak and communicate with the guests and the speed of wit .. Participated in providing a lot of music programs and is the band members such as Kangn and Hindong
And times you can see it in Ikt apply even if the guest ..

- Member of the sub-divisions of Suzhou and is Super Junior T and Super Junior Happy ..

- He likes to dance with him a famous and is performed if the approach provides for the same beats manhood flattened and wrapped his body and says Tiki Tikiyaa

- Then living in an apartment in Old Super Junior in the upper floor and is shared and Dongha room ..

- Before Aldepot was goin for a band of 5 members and among them Dongha Avatar changed plans and joined Super Junior was formed as ..
And has no children
Information from his wife
Real name: Diem forget her name
Her title: samahr
Director of the Forum Super Junior
Where you live: Saudi Arabia and the age which come to Libby, Etc and take it and return to Corrie
Maisavr before his 4 years ago
(To the dear samahr
I love death
To worry will come back to you
Lover to Etc)

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